Surfing Sutherland Shire exists in a ‘custodial role’ for surfing in Cronulla.

We promote surfing as a clean and healthy lifestyle for women and men of all ages. Our position is to work with all stakeholders and be the representative peak body for surfing in the district, advocating for the interests of the entire surfing community. This is partly achieved through regular engagement with Surfing NSW, Government, Business and user groups with the aim to ensuring that access to and enjoyment of the beach environment is protected for all members of our community.

The Sutherland Shire was first represented as a region by the Cronulla Boardriders Association which formed around 1970. In the late 70s the name was changed to the Sutherland Shire Surfing Association and later still Surfing Sutherland Shire was settled upon.

The association was originally established to run local regional titles for the purpose of selecting members that would represent the region at Zone, State and Australian titles. In 2015 Surfing NSW was split into nine regions, all of whom execute a variety of local surfing events and Surfing NSW programs at a grassroots level. Each region is represented by a Regional Director listed below. The Cronulla area now sits in the Surfing NSW structure under “Surfing Southside” which  administers surfing between South Head in Sydney to Cronulla.

These changes to the Surfing NSW structure, have evolved the mission of Surfing Sutherland Shire, to take on more of the custodial role for the areas’ rich surfing culture and history. In addition the association provides local administration and information to the areas Boardriders Clubs and assists Sutherland Shire Council in the development of Cronulla’s Heritage listed National Surfing Reserve and the Cronulla Surfing Walk of Fame.

Furthermore Surfing Sutherland Shire provides a focal point for celebrating milestones under the “Surf Retrospect” banner and supports junior development, team events and inter-club competition. We also partner with organisations such as Surf Lifesaving Clubs and in relation to environmental issues the Surfrider Foundation.

Surfing Sutherland Shire Undergoes Transformation

Shire surfers have finally got a real voice with the formation of a new peak body to address all things surfing and beach culture related.

Surfing Sutherland Shire is an organization that has been formed after Surfing NSW amalgamated their South and East regions into one big body representing all competitive surfers south ot the Harbour.

President Andy Britton, a lifetime surfer and Cronulla local, said “equitable use of beach facilities and a voice for all things coastal related is vital in our seaside community, as is building a network of support for all surfing related clubs”.

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